Channel: Pietro Boselli
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: tricepsanatomyathletedumbell curlsexerciseconcentration curlsbarbell curlsarms workoutsingle arm under-hand extensionsfitmusclescable tricep extensionsworkoutpeak curlsfitnessphysical exerisefahdi kanavatimodelbodybuildingpietro boselliarms exercisebicepsskull crushes
Description: Join my Patreon and the livestream sessions where you can ask me any questions live! In this short video I will show 7 different exercises that target the arms (mainly biceps and triceps), highlighting the muscles involved, the correct technique and also some quick tips on how to get the maximum out of them. Please note that this is not a workout routine; I will discuss a workout routine in another series. Exercises: 1. Dumbell curls 2. Concentration curls 3. Barbell curls 4. Skull crushers 5. Cable tricep extensions 6. Single arm under-hand extensions 7. Peak curls Filmed, edited, and VFX by Fahdi Kanavati Intro Music by Cylink Thanks to Shaun Stafford and City Athletic